Canadian Contractor

Steve Payne   

Contractors and trades invited to help with Women's Community House, London, Ont.

Canadian Contractor

Loyal Canadian Contractor readers, Ian and Shannon, have a great way for you to help them to help this charity. "Looking for a few good men," is the way Shannon puts it.

Editor’s Note:

A loyal Canadian Contractor reader, Shannon Wilson, in London, Ont. sent us this letter today.  If you read on, you will see that she is trying to do something that will change the lives of “some kids who don’t know what a good man looks like.”

Shannon wrote to us looking for contractors and tradespeople to contribute to the Women’s Community House in London (

If you can help, please contact Shannon at


Looking for a few good men                            

I hope you can help.

I’m writing on behalf of some kids who don’t know what a good man looks like.

There’s a little boy living in a shelter because his stepdad almost killed his Mom a couple of weeks ago and they had to pack up and leave in the night and he’ll probably never go home again. He thinks the only “good guys” are in movies, wearing super hero costumes.


There’s a young woman who was abused by her Dad and is now being beat up by her boyfriend and she thinks this is normal.

There’s a little girl who loves and misses her Dad but she knows that she’s not allowed to go near him when he’s drinking. She learned THAT lesson the hard way.

I’m on the board at the Women’s Community House in London Ontario (  I volunteer here because of these kids. They need to learn that this isn’t normal. Not every Dad beats up his kids. You don’t have to marry a guy who hits you.

There are good guys in this world.


I’m married to a contractor and he’s a great husband and Dad. He’s generous, and wants to help. I don’t know, maybe it’s the desire to fix things and make them better. That’s why I’m reaching out to you for help. I think there are a lot of guys like my husband that would help if they knew how.

The House provides a safe place for these kids, but as you know, houses need maintenance. We’re always struggling to come up with funding for repairs and much needed renovations.

My idea is to get a fund started, with charitable contributions from contractors and tradespeople. Donations would be tax receipted, and the funding would be earmarked for repairs to the House and for programs for the kids.

What a statement that would be, eh? A bunch of husbands, Dads, role models, pitching in to help a women’s shelter. The good guys.

I’d appreciate if you would print this letter, or forward it on to any municipal or national HomeBuilders Associations that you think might be interested. Whether they can help us at the Women’s Community House in London, or help a shelter in their community. Let’s build something amazing, guys.

Thanks for your help,

Shannon Wilson

London, Ontario


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