Canadian Contractor

Brynna Leslie   

Getting a website? Forget .COM. How about .BUILD, specifically created for the construction industry

Canadian Contractor Marketing & Sales Business construction industry domain names internet marketing marketing Property social media website

If you don’t have a website yet – or even if you do – you may want to consider taking advantage of the latest domain name. Forget .com and .org and .ca. An industry entrepreneur from Los Angeles has created the newest generic top level domain (gLTD) — .BUILD.

The purpose is to serve as “the new Internet destination for anyone who builds anything – with a specific focus on the building and construction industries.”

Construction industry veteran George Minardos has partnered with intellectual property attorney Thomas Brackey and to essentially help those in the construction industry brand themselves on the internet.

What it means is that you can have a website with “yourcompany.BUILD,” making it easier to brand your company within the industry and more easily searchable on the Internet.


“For the first time in the Internet’s history, the word to the right of the dot will be as important to a company’s website as the url to the left of the dot,” noted the press release.

“We are on the cusp of another Internet revolution in the way that people seek, search, and conduct business online,” said Minardos. “This is an amazing opportunity for established businesses and entrepreneurs to innovate and create new revenue opportunities utilizing our .BUILD domain. We’re seeing a great deal of interest today, during this pre-registration period, where consumers and businesses can jump ahead in the marketplace.”

If you’re interested, you can register a .BUILD domain at


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