Steve Payne
Half off to those homeowners who decline access to the Ontario College of Trades enforcement officers
Canadian Contractor Business ServiceRobert Sloan is obviously being tongue-in-cheek about this idea, but it's worth remembering that the Ontario College of Trades requires permission from a homeowner to enter their private property
Here’s a tongue-in-cheek idea for a new business model for renovators in Ontario. Especially now the Ontario College of Trades is “untouchable” under the spanking-new Liberal majority government.
Thanks to our frequent contributor Robert Sloan for his gallows humour…
“Bob’s Renovating Service”: Half off!
“Here’s an idea: “Bob’s Renovating Service”: Half off to those homeowners who decline access the Ontario College of Trades (OCOT) enforcement officers. From my perspective, the underground economy in Ontario had really shrunk in size over the past decade or so. This (election result) will likely change that very quickly. It’s full steam ahead on OCOT and Ontario pensions.”
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