Canadian Contractor

By Highspire   

New service promises unusual mix of coaching and investment

Canadian Contractor Highspire investment Raising Capital real estate

project of construction and renovation house

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Highspire, a new learning experience for construction company owners, complemented by a venture capital division has launched as a company.  Highspire aims to help construction owners leverage their business to become real estate developers.

Highspire’s business model and unique approach features two key components, a coaching arm and a capital arm, that enable clients to move beyond making a living to building a lasting legacy. From mastering construction business management and learning real estate development to levelling up to capital investments and unlocking wealth potential, Highspire provides construction businesses with a comprehensive approach for sustained growth and long-term success.

It offers a chance for clients to elevate their business by learning to raise capital, leveraging retained earnings and propelling towards substantial wealth creation and investment expertise. Additionally, Highspire Capital offers investment opportunities in real estate projects and will co-invest in select development projects with qualified members.


“Our coaching, coupled with the capital component, gives us an edge in truly supporting our clients’ success,” said Paul Atherton, CEO and co-founder of Highspire.

Highspire’s coaching program unfolds in two stages, The Business Optimization stage is intentionally designed to transform existing construction companies into self-managing entities, while the Strategic Growth through Diversification and Real Estate Investment stage accelerates growth and diversifies offerings. This enables businesses to transform into vertically integrated real estate investment, development, and construction groups safeguarded against market fluctuations.

“We help construction business owners transform from skilled tradespeople into successful business owners, then into developers, and finally into developers capable of raising capital. That’s what’s truly life-changing,” said Darsh Sidhu-Jawant, director of coaching and development of Highspire.


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