Canadian Contractor


Insulating older homes

John A. Warnke's new BAXI furnace and 60 R-value attic insulation are saving him thousands, he says

With all the talk of NZE (Net Zero Energy) and ERS (Energy Rating System), our industry is changing forever.

Whether you are a renovator or a new home builder, tight new energy rules are coming – fast – and you will need to up your energy-efficiency building skills.

But what about all those OLDER homes in our country? What will the government require be done – if anything – about them?

One of our readers, John A. Warnke, posted this yesterday…


“What has been said about the future (of building codes re: energy efficiency) does not address the thousands of older homes in Canada. Some of them are more that are more than 50 years old. In an effort to reduce heat loss, some people have tried putting rigid foam insulation underneath new siding. People believe they are saving money – as they do when they install triple pane windows. Our home was built in 1951/52, is made of standard 2×4 construction, and was insulated with stapled insulation and sheeted both sides with plywood when built. It has been good, but the now 60RV in the attic and triple pane windows have made a tremendous difference to the heating costs. We also installed a BAXI wall furnace to heat water and home. When it was completed we saved approximately $1,200 the first year until the price of natural gas went up. However, we still saved significantly. Do you think  governments (yes plural) will provide monetary incentives to upgrade older homes?”


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