Canadian Contractor

By Planitar Inc   

iGUIDE advanced drawing packages for commercial design

Canadian Contractor Technology #Cost-Effective #iGuide #Products

iGuide advertisment, showcasing the product.

Planitar, the makers of iGUIDE, has introduced two new computer-aided design (CAD) drawing packages with an iGUIDE premium 3D virtual walkthrough.

The drawing packages merge iGUIDE’s immersive tours with editable floor plans, detailed PDF plots and other new add-ons for a head start on the design process. These commercial design packages help avoid costly delays caused by missing information and inaccurate property measurements.

“This is a game changer for commercial and retail customers looking to renovate an existing space, build an addition or optimize their existing store layout,” said Alexander Likholyot, the CEO and co-founder of Planitar. “Our advanced drawing packages will now simplify the design process and speed up workflows by quickly giving customers the exact design information they need and making it easy for all parties to access it.”

The company’s two new commercial design packages are a comprehensive and cost-effective way to accurately measure and rapidly draft a property into useable drawings to accelerate timelines for any remodelling project. iGUIDE uses lidar point cloud data to map interior spaces, enabling accurate floor plans, measurements and reliable property square footage.


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