Canadian Contractor


Reader seeks advice on symptoms after working on mold-infested house

Extensive black told was evident on the drywall. The drywallers simply plastered over the damaged areas.

Recent post about an endless topic: Mold. We don’t in what capacity this reader was on this job site for an apparent six hours. Sounds like he/she is some kind of sub trade to the main GC.  Reader, you should obviously seek medical assistance. Our contractor readers aren’t doctors. 

Contractors have been hired to work on the restoration/renovation of an old cement block home that was left abandoned for six years. Apparently the last tenants had shut off the heat and the pipes froze and burst. It has also been discovered that there are multiple leaks in the roof.

There is extensive black mold evident on the drywall, etc. Now on a random check of the worksite, I found that the team was putting “mud” on top of the black mold and was beginning to prime. I feel this is extremely dangerous. I spent about six hours there and my face became red and puffy, chest burning, throat gravelly and even IBS symptoms.

Can one be affected that quickly by mold exposure and what is the safest way to correct the problem?

Neighbours nearby told me they felt the house should have been torn down (that was before the contractors committed to it). I was told that the proper inspections were made of this place, too, but the contractors didn’t ask to see the reports. I know I have been too trusting and I should have dug further into the history of the property.

I would appreciate your readers professional opinion and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

A. Oliphant


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