Canadian Contractor

Rob Blackstien   

Kelowna renovator: Legal suites business booming

Canadian Contractor

Building secondary suites to legal standards can be tricky

Legal suites are becoming big business in Kelowna (Photo by Tyler Reynolds)

Kelowna, B.C.-based renovation firm Rafter 4K states that demand for legal suites within existing homes in its area is really booming of late, going so far as to issue a press release that covers the ins and outs of installing secondary suites to legal standards.

The Okanagan region is experiencing great demand for rental properties, so installing a legal suite within a house is an ideal way to help stem that need, while creating a secondary source of revenue for the homeowner.

The release states that a report presented to city council in May estimated that almost 2,250 legal secondary suites and carriage houses currently exist with as many as 650 building permits issued for these types of houses in 2017 and 2018 alone.


Following the legal requirements to create these spaces can be tricky, but the release provides some valuable tips for contractors seeking to take advantage of this growing trend.

Home suite home? Sure… why not?


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