Canadian Contractor

Steve Payne   

“You know who were the first people not to get paid (on Trump’s casino)? The plumbers and electricians!”

Canadian Contractor

Marco Rubio accused Donald Trump of "stiffing the little guy": plumbers and electricians. The trades are, once again, part of the presidential race.

What is it with American political campaigns and plumbers?

You might remember how plumbing became a hot topic during the 2008 presidential election. “Joe the Plumber” (Joe Wurzelbacher, a plumber’s assistant from Ohio) scolded Barack Obama, on a campaign stop, for his “socialist” policies on small business taxes. Wurzelbacher, a registered Republican, became a celebrity after that item went on the nightly news… especially after Obama’s opponent, John McCain, started bringing up Joe the Plumber at every remaining campaign stop.

Well, this morning, plumbers are back in the news, as far as the race for the presidential nominations is concerned. And so are electricians.

Here is what Florida senator Marco Rubio, currently running in second place to Donald Trump in the Republican nomination race, said a few hours ago, in Houston…


“(Trump) says he’s been fighting for the little guy, when his whole career he has been sticking it to the little guy. He’s been bankrupt four times. He bankrupted his casino. How do you bankrupt a casino? When he bankrupted his casino, you know who were the first people not to get paid? The plumbers and electricians!”

We don’t know which of Donald Trump’s three casino bankruptcies Rubio was referring to. Trump went into Chapter 11 on casino development projects in 1991, 2004 and 2009. If you were a “stiffed” tradesperson on any of those projects, leave us a comment below.



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9 Comments » for “You know who were the first people not to get paid (on Trump’s casino)? The plumbers and electricians!”
  1. John Bleasby says:

    I wonder if they were Mexican plumbers and electricians, or the illegal Polish ones.

    • Avatar photo Steve Payne says:

      Yes, that was the other allegation, the illegal immigrant Poles making $4 an hour to demolish the site where Trump Tower was going. $380,000 in unpaid wages was the claim. The various lawsuits just went away. Funny how that happens.

  2. Doug Johnston says:

    What pray tell, is the correlation between making decisions in business, and making decisions in government…unless of course it’s the ability to make the right ones and those which are in the best interests of the stakeholders/ people you work for? However, if the people you work for are actually the ones you’ve become indebted to during your campain instead of the voters, that might be questionable.

  3. Doug Johnston says:

    Wanna talk about sticking it to the “little guy”? How about Left-wing governments with their high taxes, big government, miss-spending, high debt/ deficits, entitlement programs we all have to pay for? Costs all of us plenty, and not just the “little guy”. Don’t know about you, but I’d rather have successful (and yes, rich) businessmen creating jobs and raising the standards of everyone…’cause that’s why we have the high standard of living we enjoy. Bankruptcy is not a slight on a businessman taking a chance with an idea which didn’t turn out. Goes with the territory. Nothing ventured…nothing gained. And whose fault is it anyway? Is it all his/ her fault, or should the people who worked for it take some responsibility? Now if you think a perfect world is one in which there are no casualties, give your head a shake. Doesn’t exist in a democratic, free-enterprise society. Never in history, and nowhere else in the world, is the opportunity greater than it is under our system.

  4. Questo says:

    Marco Rubio fail to do one thing, present the evidence to back up his claims against Trump. Marco Rubio apparently showing signs of political disorientation.
    In here, Province of Ontario, our politicians are extremely honest, aren’t they? Screwing up everything they touch, and getting paid to do it, its called democracy. we all known the rest of the story.
    Wonder if the same could ever be allowed in the private sector, how fast they will be fired.
    Hope Trump wins not just this face, but the white house seat, and have the courage to fix what needs to be fixed. Maybe we need someone like him in here, to get things straight up the way they should. To many capone agencies around needed to be culled off.

  5. Piero Massei says:

    It seems that all the big corporation has the same plan. No matter who they are. We the small guys get crashed every time . Time to push for government law to make payment in a timely matter . Remove the 45 day lien period . Introduce anytime lien period .

  6. Bob says:

    The biggest corporation of all in Ontario is: Queens Park Inc.

    Nothing they do sounds like real government identity.

    People are used to vote as mare tolls, once these corporate shills are in, calling themselves as politicians, they will used legislation to form laws which anytime later can be removed by any supreme courts, isn’t this funny.? Why wasting time and tax payers money do vote for a such legislative laws? Wouldn’t be easy if before legislation, consulting all the supreme court judges, before legislature vote?
    It seems like, throw the byte, if the fish bites? they will hook themselves. One thing in common theses twins parties have, using the tax payers money to build and sale it, to their cronies.

    Liberal Party, = lying, pathetically, every time they open their mounts lies are flying out like mosquitos, ready to byte. Budget balance, in this Ontario province, is a mare illusion, for the pass 30 years the story line is the same, is just more lies.
    Conservative Party, = controlling powers, they love to control and build things, in special highways, and sale it to the Spanish corporate partners, all paid by the tax payers. Only in a world of democratic fools this can happen. Its a technocracy, labeled as democracy, on sun glass.
    These two, apparently are the twins of the upper house of Queens park Inc. The other siblings are just to keep the noise going, just to give the impression of the reality, which is all a fake scheme.
    Next time you vote, make sure to vote for the two of them at the same time, maybe the comedy will be more interesting to watch.

  7. Questo says:

    Einstein political equation, E= Mc 2 , Extortion = Mass corruption to the square. was Einstein right? you decide.

    The reality of the cap a trade carbon tax. Another fraud on the making.
    For those companies which pollute less, they can exchange carbon trades and pollute more, is this a real environment protection? Or an avenue to tax the air we all breath, start we factories and later with people and animals, maybe what is on the hidden forms.

    Its known the more carbon dioxide on the atmosphere, the more the trees will absorb and turned into oxygen. So we may need to preserve nature, planted more trees, instead cut millions on Christmas time.
    A good way to start, along way of highways, both sides, to help covert carbon into oxygen.

    Should never be allowed, polluters to buy or exchange any carbon trades, the goal is to purify our atmosphere to its normal balance or close to that at least, not to be allowed to polluted more, that’s insane.

    So those politicians enter into these agreements and allow the insane matters to be in place, buy or exchange carbon tax, should be fired, for luck of knowledge, unfit, for the political job. looks like they have no more public assets to sale to their cronies, only thin air now, its insane.

  8. Bob says:

    You better have your seat belt on it, because the mother of scandals may soon coming on its way.

    Are you worry about Rubio or Trump? please don’t, we have better and bigger scams in here Ontario.

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