Steve Payne
Contractors rank price of materials as most important factor only 28 per cent of time: Salary Survey
Canadian Contractor ProfitabilitySelection, Service and Convenience - when shopping for materials and supplies - were chosen by almost 3 times as many contractors as those who told us that Price was number one
Well, most of us kind of “knew” this, but now the proof is in.
Contractors, busy as they are, don’t rank the price of materials, supplies and tools as highly as anxious lumberyards and big box stores often think they do.
Only 28 per cent of the contractor we surveyed, in our annual Canadian Contractor Salary Survey, told us that “Price” was the most important factor in where they shopped for an item.  23 per cent said “Selection” was the number one factor. “Convenience” was the number one factor for a further 23 per cent. And 23 per cent said “Service” was most important. “Incentive Cards” were the number one factor for 3 per cent of our survey respondents.
The full chart, where “1” denotes “most important” and “5” denotes “least important” is reproduced below.
To read our entire Salary Survey, go to Digital Edition on our site, and clic on the March/April issue. The Salary Survey starts on page 18.
Let us know what you think. Â Is “Price” number one to you? Or is one of the other factors more imp0rtant? Tell us how you buy, in the Comments field below….
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